MGU was invited to Coromandel Town where the assistants drove the gallery up and down the main street for 1 hour on a Sunday afternoon. This type of art action has come to be known as our Sunday-Drive. On this occasion, cafe dwelling holiday-makers and local residents peered up from their plates to watch the performance that we repeated 15 times for their viewing pleasure. The gallery was invited to display itself especially for the leisure class who were seated at cafes all along the road being served one of the meals that they would eat that day. As is the habit of the leisure class, the meals are the main occupation of the day, occuring 3 times, or 5 times for those who indulge in morning and afternoon tea as well. It was designed to be a funny parade, with the gallery pacing up and down the street, slowly, and very very seriously. There is no telling what affect this action may have had, or will have on the population of Coromondel Town, now, or in the future.